“Hit This! If you can.” A Training Ball that lasts.

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Here’s a great new product to help hitters IMPROVE THEIR SKILLS and come back to the regular season ready to perform. You can’t continue to train the old way and expect different results. It just won’t happen – GET BETTER – TRAIN SMARTER!

The product is called “Hit This! If you can.” It’s a training ball that has multiple uses. Hit it as hard and as often as you’d like. It won’t break down – ever. The only time you will need to purchase more is you lose it or want more. It has limited flight and is perfect for pre-game batting practice in a limited space. It could be used for soft-toss into a fence or front toss from a short distance. This ball can actually simulate a breaking pitch too.

Check out the video here. It feels like you’re hitting something too, not like whiffle balls. Hit it right and you know it. Order now! Email for an even better offer. Coachbob@baseup.org

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